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in a sweat中文

用"in a sweat"造句"in a sweat" in a sentence"in a sweat"怎麼讀


  • 一身大汗, 焦急
  • "sweat" 中文翻譯 :    n. 1.汗;出汗。 2.水氣,氣汗。 3.〔口語〕吃力 ...
  • "no sweat" 中文翻譯 :    不出汗(沒什么大不了); 不煩瑣,沒疑問和疑問和問題; 不費力地; 不麻煩,沒問題; 不用冒汗; 沒疑問和問題; 無汗; 一點也不費力,沒問題
  • "sweat" 中文翻譯 :    n. 1.汗;出汗。 2.水氣,氣汗。 3.〔口語〕吃力的工作;苦差;〔口語〕不安,焦急;趕緊;【賽馬】賽前練跑;〔俚語〕兵。 cold sweat 冷汗。 night(ly) sweats 盜汗。 They will not take the sweat. 他們是不肯出力的。 Compiling a dictionary is an awful sweat. 編字典是一種吃力的苦工。 an old sweat 老兵;老手。 all of a sweat=in a sweat. be running [dripping] sweat 流著大汗。 by [in] the sweat of one's brow [face] 額上出著汗,靠自己辛勤勞動。 cannot stand the sweat of it 受不了那個辛苦。 in a cold sweat 捏一把冷汗;提心吊膽地。 no sweat 〔美俚〕沒有麻煩,沒問題;好辦。 in a sweat 流著大汗;擔著心,著急地;趕緊。 ( sweated, sweat) vi. 1. 出汗;結露水;(煙草等)發酵,發汗。 2. 流著汗工作;努力;累得流汗;被剝削。 3. 不安;焦慮,煩惱。 vt. 1.使出汗;〔口語〕被汗弄臟,弄得盡是汗;使流出,使排出。 2.(在苛刻的條件下)殘酷剝削,吸(人)血汗,榨取(勞力、金錢)。 3.使(煙葉、皮等)發酵;把(汗)揩干,把(濕氣)弄干。 4.把(金銀硬幣)放在袋里摩擦以收集(金銀粉末);【冶金】加熱提煉;熱析,熔焊。 5.〔俚語〕勒索;〔美俚〕拷問。 sweat at night 出盜汗。 The doctor sweats his patient. 醫生使病人發汗。 sweated clothes 用極低工價制成的衣服。 sweated labo(u)r 被殘酷剝削的勞動,血汗勞動。 He shall sweat for it. 他要后悔的。 sweat away at one's job 努力工作。 sweatdown 〔美俚〕大大壓縮。 sweatit 感到煩惱。 sweat it out 〔美國〕束手無策地[緊張地、流著汗地]等待或忍受(到最后)。 sweat like a trooper 〔美國〕汗流得渾身都是,汗流浹背。 sweat off =sweat out 發汗祛除〔如醫治感冒,減輕體重〕;〔美俚〕辛苦地支持到最后,忍受到最后。 sweat the game 〔美國〕干著急地旁觀勝負。 sweat with fear 嚇得出冷汗。
  • "sweat a cold sweat" 中文翻譯 :    出了一身冷汗
  • "all of a sweat" 中文翻譯 :    一身大汗, 焦急; 一身大汗/
  • "amount of sweat" 中文翻譯 :    排汗量
  • "anti-sweat" 中文翻譯 :    防結露
  • "apocrine sweat" 中文翻譯 :    頂漿分泌腺汗
  • "be in a cold sweat" 中文翻譯 :    出冷汗; 出一身冷汗
  • "be in a hot sweat" 中文翻譯 :    熱得出汗
  • "be wet with sweat" 中文翻譯 :    汗水濕透
  • "bloody sweat" 中文翻譯 :    血汗
  • "blue sweat" 中文翻譯 :    青汗
  • "cargo sweat" 中文翻譯 :    貨物汗濕; 貨物結露; 貨物浸濕
  • "cold sweat" 中文翻譯 :    赤裸性追緝; 冷汗
  • "colliquative sweat" 中文翻譯 :    出汗過多
  • "critical sweat" 中文翻譯 :    極期出汗
  • "eccrine sweat" 中文翻譯 :    小汗腺汗
  • "excessive sweat" 中文翻譯 :    出汗過多
  • "fetid sweat" 中文翻譯 :    臭汗
  • "frequent sweat" 中文翻譯 :    常流汗; 頭汗
  • "green sweat" 中文翻譯 :    綠汗
  • "hold sweat" 中文翻譯 :    艙汗
  • "hot sweat" 中文翻譯 :    熱汗
  • "i sweat" 中文翻譯 :    我冒汗


  • I was in a sweat to find out all about moses .
  • I was in a sweat then , and watched him pretty keen
  • It keeps me in a sweat , constant , so s i want to hide som ers .
    這些話讓人直冒冷汗,我想找個地方躲一躲。 ” “我也有同感。
  • House : confined in a sweat box with a bloody nose and all the tissues are soggy
  • I was paddling off , all in a sweat to tell on him ; but when he says this , it seemed to kind of take the tuck all out of me
  • Jim and me was in a sweat again for a minute , being afraid there was going to be some more trouble amongst them ; so we was pretty glad when the duke says
  • Then we got out , and i was in a sweat to get away ; but nothing would do tom but he must crawl to where jim was , on his hands and knees , and play something on him
  • It will all be sure to end in nothing . he was all red and in a sweat though the room was not hot . and his face was painful and piteous to see , particularly from its helpless efforts to seem calm
  • I reckoned she d let me go now , and as a generl thing she would ; but i s pose there was so many strange things going on she was just in a sweat about every little thing that warn t yard - stick straight ; so she says , very decided
  • After supper she got out her book and learned me about moses and the bulrushers , and i was in a sweat to find out all about him ; but by and by she let it out that moses had been dead a considerable long time ; so then i didn t care no more about him , because i don t take no stock in dead people
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"in a sweat"造句  


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